Marriage Across Boundaries – TPW Podcast


People fight over boundaries of race, religion, nation and even gender. Even the body fights with the mind. It beats up the mind’s desire to do good, and drags the mind around, making us miserable. Love is the power to transcend boundaries between races, nations, religions, gender and mind and body. Set your mind upon living for your spouse. Keep at it, believe in your spouse, believe in God and believe in love. The walls will tumble down.

The podcast ministry of True Parents Way, features Pastor Ruth and Dr. Tyler sharing Father Moon’s words and principles about marriage, family, religion, politics and society.

Its mission is to build God-centered marriages and families across barriers of race and religion, to make marriage and family the home of God, to resurrect and exalt man-woman love, and to grow our hearts for God, for our communities, and for the world.

Click HERE or go to the Podcast tab in the menu to listen to all episodes.

Team TPW


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