At the Intersection of Theology and Biology


The Holy Items of Cheon Il Guk and Our Eternal Life with True Parents – At the Intersection of Theology and Biology

“Only the perfected Adam, the True Father, can create a relationship centering on God’s love. However, a father alone cannot become a parent. He needs to find his true partner. That partner is to be a true woman, a woman with an absolute standard.”

“True Father alone cannot become a parent. He needs to find his true partner, a true woman.”

The Fall took place at the intersection of theology and biology. Driven by selfish love, rejecting God, Adam and Eve united sexually. Born of their lineage, we inherit their selfishness and alienation, especially in the area of sex. The Messiah liberates us from that old lineage. Here is Father Moon’s explanation of how this works.

“Originally, the baby seed that was dwelling inside the bone marrow of Adam [and here he means mature Adam, a true father] was to go through the body of Eve, who was to be a true mother, and then be born centering on God.” Instead, we came from a selfish Adam’s seed going through a selfish Eve. Physical rebirth begins with the baby seed inside the bone marrow of a true Adam, the Messiah. But how do we get there? Through his bride. “To restore this,” Father explains, “one has to find and enter the womb of a true mother. …You have to travel the road that passes through the womb of an unfallen mother and into the interior of an unfallen father, and be reborn.”

“Jesus is the bridegroom, and the Holy Spirit is the bride. Through the experience of joyful oneness, the original love, which was lost, can be regained and resurrection is experienced.”

This does not happen by magic; it happens by love. True Parents’ love institutes a sacrament for all time. We have True Parents because Father Moon, as bridegroom, accepted Mother Moon’s self-offering as an “unfallen mother.” Our own self-offering with her is “the condition of engrafting to True Father’s body.” By their husband-wife love we, with her, are engrafted. As Father Moon said: “Jesus is the bridegroom, and the Holy Spirit is the bride. Through the experience of joyful oneness, the original love, which was lost, can be regained and resurrection is experienced. …That providence must involve the womb of a woman.”

But we do not remain in the father’s body. Our next step is physical rebirth, “to be born again through the womb of True Mother.” We do this sacramentally by truly receiving, in faith, the Holy Items.

Citations from Blessing and Ideal Family, 1993 edition, pp. 313; Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, p. 1107 and 1109; and God’s Will and the World, p. 44.



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