The Second Advent Ministry


The Holy Items of Cheon Il Guk and Our Eternal Life with True Parents – The Second Advent Ministry

The upcoming sacramental ceremony begins with a pastor, representing True Parents, dispensing the Holy Items. With this dispensation comes our ordination to continue the sacramental ceremony as parents. Minister Holy Wine in the Holy Marriage Blessing, Holy Salt to sanctify material things, the Holy Candle to sanctify the spiritual atmosphere, and Holy Earth to sanctify the place of burial.

“True Parents want to endow our eternal Sabbath with their love and Blessing.”

God is entrusting us with the Second Advent ministry to all races, nations and religions. Everything of True Parents, the seed of the Father and the womb of the Mother, is given to us.

Citizenship in God’s kingdom, our participation in True Family’s eternal life, is nothing more or less than this ministry. That’s where True Parents today are inviting us to meet them. True Parents want to endow our eternal Sabbath with their love and Blessing.

To receive this requires our sincere decision. It works because Father and Mother Moon have fulfilled their part. But the impact on my life is my part. What do I do with these Holy Items in my house, in my family, in my community? As always, the outcome of God’s providence depends upon human response, and that begins with my decision.

“we shall see face to face; I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

When I decided to join True Parents’ family, I received as a child. “When I was a child,” wrote Paul, “I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.” When I accepted the Holy Marriage Blessing, I received as a young man, and “put the ways of childhood behind me.” To receive the Holy Items today, as parents, is what the Apostle Paul foretold, “we shall see face to face; I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

It is a step of faith, hope and love, “and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor 13:11-13)



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