

Principle and Providence, Not Politics and Pragmatics

Over the past week, we have been examining True Mother’s World Cup Stadium event. Its purpose was...

True Father Prophesied Today’s Struggles

Let’s examine True Mother’s approach to the unification of Korea. Her speech barely mentioned North Korea. She...

The Antidote to Individualism

At the November 11 gathering for peaceful unification, True Mother launched no diatribe against communism. She is...

The Historical Han of Korean Women

True Father explained that Korea is chosen because of a particular kind of suffering called “Han.” Korea,...

Womankind’s Cross, Womankind’s Resurrection

How can we comprehend True Mother’s declarations that she is the only daughter of God? First of...

What Did They Say to Jesus?

In a measured tone, True Mother stated to 80,000 at the World Cup Stadium, “just as two...

The Blessing Will Unite Korea

To the crowd of 80,000, with interfaith clergy at the center, True Mother testified to True Father...

The Sacrifice that Changes the World

How can sacrifice and compassion bring global change? To answer this question, we first must realize that...