The Passion for Parents


The French fashion designer Christian Dior once said, “Deep in every heart slumbers a dream, and the couturier knows it: every woman is a princess.”

Not only a princess, said Father Moon: a queen, and every man a king.

Through parents, God placed the royal seed in every child’s heart. I testify to my mother, who whispered, as she cut my hair one day, “You are almost perfect.” And again, “Whatever you want to do, you can do.” I testify to my True Parents, who told me, “You are the owner of God’s kingdom.”

Deep in every heart dwells our parents. Our passionate longing for oneness with them drives God’s history.

Deep in every heart dwells our parents. Our passionate longing for oneness with them drives God’s history.

God sent Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon as the whole, divine, True Parents that, due to the Fall, I never had before.

They found their way into the Garden of Eden hidden in my heart, where God’s Word lay buried. They uncovered the Word and it burst into flame.

The prophet Jeremiah said the Word is a fire. Father Moon’s passion to attend Heavenly Parent is a fire of the heart. It is the filial passion of the son wailing with regret at his parent’s grave, for months and years. Thoughtless of food and clothing, he lives in a tent unprotected from the elements, with no thought to anything of this world.

This was the filial desperation of the youthful Sun Myung Moon to reach Jesus. In 2007, Father Moon said to me, “Everything I am doing, I am doing for Jesus.”

Hak Ja Han’s filial heart became conjugal heart and mother’s heart, one flesh with the Word.

This is the filial passion of Hyo Jin Nim, which seared our hearts, filled us with intense sorrow we could not bear, and burst into fire in his music.

This is the filial passion of the Bride, Hak Ja Han, whose filial heart grew into conjugal heart and mother’s heart, one flesh with the Word. The mother’s heart shields us from the fire. But it is there, hotter than a thousand suns.  

She calls us to live with this same filial heart, the passion burning for parents.

(References: Jeremiah 5:14, 20:9, 23:29)



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