True Parents’ Revelation Goes On

In three weeks, for the first time, a woman religious leader will speak at Madison Square Garden.

That woman is our True Mother, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.

Is that appropriate? Headlining Madison Square Garden? She is 74 years old! Shouldn’t she just be a bereaving widow and preside in the background?

History does not allow True Mother to pull back.

She cannot. History does not allow True Mother to pull back. True Father will not allow True Mother to pull back. Her mission is to educate the world, including those closest to True Parents, as to her position and the position of all women. It’s radical. She represents the deepest elements of the Divine Principle.

One aspect of this is that she perfected True Father. In fact, she gave birth to True Father.

True Father taught this by looking at the position of Eve after the Fall. In 1977, at the Belvedere International Training Center, here is what he said:

“The ultimate goal of God is to find one perfected Adam, but that Adam cannot come into being unless an Eve is found through whom he can be perfected. In other words, even though Adam might be appointed by God, he can never entirely fulfill his responsibility alone.”

That fits with what we know. Jesus could not fulfill his mission on Earth without his Bride. He became Messiah in Heaven only with his Bride, the Holy Spirit.  

True Father continued: “In the Garden of Eden, Eve was responsible for initiating the Fall of man; therefore, unless an Eve can be found who can indemnity the Fall in the Garden of Eden, Adam has no way to assume the supreme position of perfection.

Eve is the one who must give birth to Adam.

“Eve also has no way to reach perfection without Adam. In order to reach her perfection, Eve must either create Adam, meet Adam, or give birth to Adam. Bringing Adam here on earth is not the direct responsibility of God or even the direct responsibility of Jesus, but the responsibility of Eve, since Eve destroyed Adam in the Garden of Eden. Eve is the one who must give birth to Adam.”

True Father revolutionized the mission of the woman, and challenged his wife to embody it. She did it and she is doing it. True Father did not stop at Madison Square Garden, and neither will True Mother.

It’s all about the power of the object partner. On Wednesday we will explore this further.

(Citation: “The 23rd Anniversary of the Unification Church and the History of God’s Dispensation,” May 1, 1977, Tarrytown, New York,

It should be noted that on October 31, 1926, at age 14, the female child evangelist Uldine Utley spoke at Madison Square Garden. To the extent that she would be considered a religious leader, my statement stands corrected. )

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  1. This is the living gospel, the very understanding of the Divine Principle in action live!!! The building of the Kingdom of God on earth, Cheon-Il-Guk, substantially, not in spirit but right now, right here. Oh yes!!! Ajuuuu!!


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