God is opening the gate of His kingdom to every religion, to all clergy, to all parents. All clergy can inspire families to protect the realm of children’s love, promote the purity of brother-sister love, revere the holiness of conjugal love, and build God’s global family through true parental love. This inspiration comes not by human effort alone, but by God’s grace poured out through the Holy Marriage Blessing.

Inspiration comes by God’s grace poured out through the Holy Marriage Blessing.

The Blessing builds kingdom families and communities. Father Moon once prophesied, “Gradually we will be moving into family settlements. We will have our own enterprises and businesses. In the future we will have many, many places where families can be productive, raise their children, and build schools to educate their children. I emphasize that our movement has always been centered on families as the basic unit of the heavenly society. …This means that more blessing in marriage will be given, more children will be born, more families will be created.’” When you broadcast on television and radio, people will watch in their own home. This will have the same effect as going to church.

“He has no intention to organize parishes, dioceses, judicatories, or vicariates,” according to Catholic sociologist Joseph Fichter. Indeed, Father Moon said, “When you broadcast on the television and radio stations, the people will watch this in their own home. This will have the same effect as though they were going to church. If they are sufficiently interested they will be invited to come to the home church which is everywhere in their neighborhood …this is much better than the churches with the steeples. Then the purpose of religion is served and the world will become one.”

We should be the parents of good parents.

In summary, the world needs true parents who enjoy and multiply the Blessing of God. Through strong husband-wife and parent-child relations, the family can overcome the challenges of modernity. More than that, the tradition of God’s true love can be bestowed to the children and passed down to their children, and their children’s children. “We should be devoting all our hearts and minds to becoming the progenitors of goodness that humankind has been seeking and that God has been seeking. We should be the parents of good parents.”

Let us be the parents of good parents, practicing true family values and true family virtues.

(Citations: Joseph Fichter, The Holy Family of Father Moon, pp. 89-90; “History and Our Responsibility,” 1978.07.18, hard copy in my possession, p. 25; Second Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 331, #18. This concludes my revision of the 1996 True Family Values curriculum.)

(NOTE to readers: I will discontinue the True Parents Way blogs for a time, in order to focus on reconstructing the website into a more user-friendly, educational environment. I will continue the videos and podcasts, and resume the blog in the future.)


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