Duties in Cheon Il Guk – TPW Podcast


We need moral values to guide our lives, and moral values impose moral duties. The US Constitution does not state any duties for citizens. It implies “follow the law,” and who makes up the laws? Who can keep track ofl the millions of laws? The Cheon Il Guk Constitution has few laws because it has five simple duties. With these, we can guide our lives.

The podcast ministry of True Parents Way, features Pastor Ruth and Dr. Tyler sharing Father Moon’s words and principles about marriage, family, religion, politics and society.

Its mission is to build God-centered marriages and families across barriers of race and religion, to make marriage and family the home of God, to resurrect and exalt man-woman love, and to grow our hearts for God, for our communities, and for the world.

Click HERE or go to the Podcast tab in the menu to listen to all episodes.

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