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True Parents’ Leadership Today

The Mother of Three Ages

On June 12, 1999, True Father declared, “Mother established the condition through the 80-city speaking tour to...

The Predestination of True Mother

The Divine Principle’s lessons from Adam’s family illuminates the predestination of True Mother. First, it speaks of...

The Heritage of a Revolutionary Queen

Principle teaches that God’s call comes based upon five qualifications, so from True Father’s point of view,...

How Hak Ja Han Was Born Without Sin

True Father knew that Hak Ja Han met five qualifications when he called her to be his...

True Mother’s Character: “I Follow God.”

True Father knew that Hak Ja Han met five qualifications when he called her to be his...

The Succession of the Holy Spirit

True Father knew that Hak Ja Han met five qualifications when he called her to be his...

Bending the Arc of History

True Father knew that Hak Ja Han met five qualifications when he called her to be his...

The First Predestined Event Since the Fall

Shortly after she joined the Unification Church, Soon Ae Hong introduced her daughter to her new pastor....