Hyo Jeong: The Linkage of Lineage


The Blessing ceremony is a mystical marriage. God is in that blessed marriage as an eternal presence that transcends time and space. At the same time, the Blessing ceremony is an historical event, located in space and time.

The unborn children participate in the Holy Marriage Blessing ceremony with God and their parents.

In that God-Man-Woman event, the fruit of the past is harvested and the seed of the future is planted. Past and future are linked beyond time and space by divine love. The seed of the future refers to our generations to come. This means that our descendants are present at our Blessing ceremony. Heaven touches Earth; the spirit world embraces the physical world. Love is the linchpin of the two worlds vertically, and lineage is the linkage connecting the past and future horizontally.

This all is Father Moon’s teaching.

Father Moon explained that our blessed children were there with us in our Blessing. He once said, “…if you are a second-generation blessed child, you took part in the Blessing through your father and mother.  …you received God’s lineage at the same time as your parents, and your life began on the same level as your parents….”

Check that: the Holy Marriage Blessing is a reality beyond time and space. When a couple receives it, their unborn children receive it at the same time. Generations of children appear years, decades, centuries later in terms of horizontal time, but vertically, they are with us in the Holy Marriage Blessing moment. The unborn children participate in the Holy Marriage Blessing ceremony with God and their parents.

“…the Holy Marriage Blessing is a reality beyond time and space.”

This is a comfort to me. God owns my lineage. I may fail, I may fall, but on the foundation of Hyo Jeong, filial heart, nothing can separate my lineage from God’s uncontested ownership.

Therefore, in Mother Moon’s words, “the essence of VISION 2020 and the cornerstone of the firm establishment of Cheon Il Guk” is Hyo Jeong.

(Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, p. 1621-22; Statement by the Organizing Committee for the Commemoration of the Universal Seonghwa of Sun Myung Moon, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, August 19, 2016)


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