The Twelve Days of Hyo Jeong: The Eighth Day – Five days before Foundation Day


Women in History

To whom did fallen Eve give her milk first? First to Cain and then to Abel. Her daughters were not mentioned. Although women existed, they were treated as if they did not exist. (God’s Will and the World, p. 604)

Human history has been one of offering, sacrificing and abusing women. (Author’s notes, Belvedere, 1999.10.24)

The True Mother Must Appear

We have now arrived at a time when many women can surpass men. The Last Days is the time when women can restore the Fall, and the women who are emerging now are in the realm of benefit to represent the heavenly Eve. Today it is not just a matter of women’s liberation; women can stand in such a position.

Therefore, the True Mother must appear during this time. We must be able to attend this Mother on earth. Humankind has been trying to return to God, and as we enter the era when this can happen, the Bride must be established on earth. (Chambumo Gyeong Book 1:1-2-4, 1966.03.22)

You are God’s original child, with God’s special mission. You are the fruit of the history of the providence of restoration who came to earth with the mission of True Mother of humankind.

Looking only upon Heaven, you won a victory over the suffering course of the providence of restoration and established the eternal tradition with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. After True Parents’ holy wedding in 1960, you completed the mission of true child before Heaven, the mission of true wife before your husband, and the mission of true parent before your children.

God’s providence of restoration and True Parents’ holy work of restoration culminated in victory in 1999, and in that year you bequeathed to all people the textbook of True Parents’ life course in 80 cities around the world through the “Rally for the Globalization of the True Family.” I, as the Adam of original creation and as True Father of humanity, give you this plaque to celebrate your achievement through such pain, to thank Heaven, and to praise your record in front of all descendants in heaven and on earth. (Chambumo Gyeong Book 12:4-3-6, 1999.06.16)


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