Hyo Jeong: The Filial Heart Design


On the foundation of Father Moon’s teachings, Mother Moon has innovated the term “filial heart,” in Korean, “Hyo Jeong,” to mean the practice of filial piety in all realms of life. Hyo Jeong, she teaches, is the cornerstone and model—the heart design—of the ideal world.

I do believe it, and I dedicate my upcoming blogs to the topic of Hyo Jeong.

“True filial heart is the devotion of our husband wife oneness to our parents.”

I used to think that filial piety comes first, and then we get married. That is, I thought that parent child oneness flowered into husband wife oneness. While that is true, it is not the whole story. Father Moon once said, “You can become a truly filial son or daughter only after getting married.”

True filial heart is the devotion of our husband wife oneness to our parents.

And it multiplies from there. I love my wife’s parents because they gave birth to my wife. She loves my parents because they gave birth to me. Her parents and my parents love each other because they gave birth to their child’s beloved spouse. The grandparents’ love for each other arises by having the same grandchildren. Now we have reached the realm of the tribe, and thus is the world filled with love.

This principle that male female oneness is returned to the parents means that the male female oneness of the entire cosmos and everything in it is completely and perfectly in love with its Parent, God.

“Filial piety is the origin and measure of life for the sake of others.”

Filial piety is the origin and measure of life for the sake of others. In Father Moon’s words, “The filial son is the person who, throughout his life, sacrifices everything for his parents and does not assert his subjectivity. Then his parents’ true love remains. Filial piety preserves and protects the realm of true love. Because of filial piety, we can build a bridge to the universe.”

It goes back to Father Moon’s realization that launched this entire movement: the center of the universe is the parent child relationship between God and humankind.

(Citations from Second Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 323-24; As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, p. 78.)


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