Father and Mother Moon hail from villages 18 miles apart in what is now called North Korea. The communist takeover of the North left them refugees having nothing but heart and faith. Over the decades, the seed of Kingship and Queenship that God planted in them blossomed. With it blossomed a global nation, which True Father called the mother country that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have wished for.

True Parents instigated global change through sacrifice and compassion.

On November 11, 2017, the mother country filled Seouls World Cup Stadium with oneness. According to The Washington Times, prominent figures from Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Jainism and Bahaism prayed for global change. Behind the scenes, Jewish leaders could be seen exchanging ideas with Muslims. Buddhist and Hindu priests snacked on cookies …Christians of various denominations mingled with each other.

True Parents way to bring oneness is the way of sacrifice and compassion.

Heres how Father Moon explained the sacrifice: “While people of the established churches think of their own salvation, we are thinking of the salvation of the whole world at the sacrifice of ourselves. At the sacrifice of individuals, we want to have the salvation of the families worked out, and at the sacrifice of families we must establish the salvation of the nation, and at the sacrifice of the nation we must work out the salvation of the whole world.”

But this sacrifice springs from compassion. When “the established church members protest against us and even persecute us, …we must not repel their power or deny them, but be compassionate toward them and try to win their hearts, and finally unify them into our group to reach out to the ends of the earth. …We must strive to go ahead, drawing the people into our group with compassionate hearts and love.”

Not to repel ones enemy, not to deny others, but to extend compassion and love.

“This is the great sacred formula, he said,and we must repeatedly emphasize our having to sacrifice ourselves on the individual level to save our family, and we must readily sacrifice our family for the salvation of our clan and nation, and we must readily sacrifice our nation for the salvation of the whole world. Then alone can God enjoy Sabbath, and Jesus Christ also. It is going to be a grand human march.”

On November 11, that march of sacrifice and compassion sent a message across the Korean peninsula and to the world. Well talk about that message next week.

Citations: The Way of Unification in Gods Providence, p. 488, Diverse coalition of religious leaders call for Korean reunification in interfaith rally, Guy Taylor, The Washington Times, Saturday, November 11, 2017; “The Path that We Tread,” August 25, 1974. https://tparents.org/Moon-Talks/SunMyungMoon74/SM740825.htm.


  1. The long missing part of the faith ; reconciliation ministry is found in your teaching. I think this is more the heart beat of God than the usual ”self empire” building tendencies found in us at large in our efforts to serve God. Am willing to go through your ”school of training” if there’s any. Thank you so very much. I strongly believe in reconciling the world to HIM.


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