A Circle Around Father and Mother – Cheon Il Guk Constitution Episode 05


Because external form reflects internal nature, our political government will reflect our self-government. If we are a people of true love, so will be our government. Father Moon said, “We need to form a people; then, centering on that people, we should complete the kingdom of heaven on earth that can be governed by the constitution of Heaven’s nation. The foundation of this nation is true love.”


  1. A circle on the True situation of God since the Coronation of God , the direct realm of relationship is now under the Oneness Holy Spirit II , Prodigal Parents is a Idea who right TIME has come , God is the right TIME 100% of the TIME after 1/13/2001 , human because of the new unalienable right are called in Front of the Amazingmirror4 ,Our God is a Win Win situation , my God is IV Israel , it is about a New Revelation ,direct Revelation 22:1 ,Dieu est mon droit ,honni soit qui mal il pense , the hour is late, God is preparing for God’s D Day for God in Oneness with the grass root move of final Divine Providence of the full spiritual salvation ,as two Original Oneness of Blessing of spiritual re-birth and spiritual re-conception again ,God is ultimate Lord of the parallel culture of re-conception


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